22 August 2018
NCC - Consultation on the draft Northamptonshire All Age Autism Strategy

​Northamptonshire County Council, Corby CCG and Nene CCG are consulting on a draft Northamptonshire All Age Autism Strategy, which has been written by a mixed group of people in a steering group that included autistic people and family members and carers. It says how different local organisations in Northamptonshire will work together to support autistic people of all ages in a much better way throughout their lives. We would like to know your views on the vision and priorities that have been identified to make things better for autistic people in Northamptonshire.

Please visit our website for further information.

Have your say

You can give us your views in a number of ways. Please visit our website for all of the different ways you can give your feedback to these proposals, including our online questionnaire.

This consultation closes at 5pm on Sunday 7 October 2018.

Details of this consultation and other past and present consultations are available on Northamptonshire County Council’s Consultation Register. Please feel free to share this information with anyone you feel might be interested

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