05 June 2018
Diagonal Walking Comes to Long Buckby

Author invites the people of Long Buckby to ‘Walk With Me’ on a million step trek through England 
In a unique experiment, Nick Corble, author of 20 books, is inviting people to share, quite literally, all the steps involved in the writing of his latest book, a travelogue describing a trek ‘slicing through the heart of England’, which passes through Long Buckby on Friday 15th June.
Nick has written over 20 books covering fairgrounds, the canals, a biography of the engineer James Brindley and a number of walking books, as well as fiction.
Nick is inviting people to walk alongside him for parts of the walk, but the thinking behind the project goes much further than that. “I want people to ‘Walk With Me’”, he explains, “and have created all sorts of ways to allow people to follow every step, from social media such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, to regular videos, blogs and podcasts, through which people can be part of the walk and follow the progress - not just of the walk, but also every step involved in the actual writing of a travel book.”
Nick’s first book, published in 2000, followed a trip down the canal system from Skipton to Banbury, and described not only the ups and downs of the voyage, but also took a look at the country on the eve of the millennium. “A lot has happened since then, and I wanted to do something similar, but this time by actually walking - diagonally - passing through the middle of the country”, Nick explains.
The route follows a line drawn at 45 degrees north-west to southeast, through the dead centre of England, hence ‘Diagonal Walking’. Nick is about a third of the way through the trek and on this leg, passing through Long Buckby on Friday 15th June and invites anyone interested in joining him to contact him via email: nick@diagonalwalking.co.uk
NOTES: • The route is about 250 miles long as the crow flies, however Nick estimates he’ll end up walking around double that by the time he’s negotiated natural and man-made obstacles. • The route follows only footpaths, bridleways, towpaths and minor roads wherever possible, staying within three miles either side of the diagonal line • People wanting to walk alongside nick should contact him through the website www.diagonalwalking.co.uk • Nick aims to finish the walk in September.

Contact Nick: nick@diagonalwalking.co.uk 07808 124795

Further information:
www.diagonalwalking.co.uk provides much more information.

Diagonal Walking can be followed on:
Instagram/Twitter: @diagonalwalking

Blogs, podcasts and YouTube videos can be accessed via his web

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