LEADER is gearing up for a summer of support for rural businesses
We have a lot to share, not least the great news that projects in North & West Northamptonshire are now able to receive grants from £5,000 up to £180,000 – and we’re hoping this will also be the case in both the Chilterns and Clay Vales soon. This means we can now support a wider range of projects than ever before.
We have some great examples of LEADER-funded projects that exemplify this diversity and are great stories that you can share with your networks. There’s a woodland management scheme, a new tea room at Hartwell Nurseries, a cattery built on an eco farm, and support for a farmer who was given the confidence to diversify. Please promote these examples far and wide to give rural busin ess owners some inspiration for their own potential LEADER-funded projects.
Finally, we'd like you to welcome some new members of the team. Ian Barrow has recently joined us as Project Officer for the Chilterns. Ian has lived in the Chilterns and worked across all three LEADER areas for many years and among his skillset is an extensive experience of the arboricultural and woodland management industries. Katy Brown joins as Project Administrator. Katy has gained a wide knowledge of issues affecting countryside management after 13 years spent working at a National Trust estate.
If you’d like to get in touch to discuss anything, we're always happy to speak to you.
Many Thanks,
Chilterns, Clay Vales, & North & West Northants
Annex A, Buckinghamshire Business First, County Offices, Walton Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP20 1UX
T: 01494 927131
E: leader@ngagesolutions.co.uk
W: www.leader-programme.org.uk