20 January 2021
Community Updates

Please find below community updates and information from a variety of organisations:-

·         Daventry MIND – for referrals please contact 01327 879416, lines are open 10am - 2pm Tuesday's to Friday's or you can email enquiries@northamptonshiremind.org.uk Their Crisis Cafe is still open in Daventry from 5pm - 9pm on Wednesday evenings

·         Daventry and District Citizens Advice – if you require advice via email or wish to make a referral, please complete their online enquiry form here: https://www.citizensadvicedaventryanddistrict.co.uk/get-advice/email-us/

·         Viridian Nutrition is sponsoring to support local-level enterprises in the Social Prescribing Network awards, you have until Monday 25 January to enter, local services can nominate themselves or a qualifying project https://chamberlaindunn.co.uk/best-local-social-prescribing-project/?fbclid=IwAR0HgJ9XquY-0pVYFuEGMERmE5YjXk5EKMGeFEto3p-at7kAL597N0Lbtn4 For more details: https://chamberlaindunn.co.uk/projects/socialprescribingawards/ The contact at the award organisers: ali@chamberdunn.co.uk

·         Futures Housing Group have a new product brochure,  this is for use by all external partners, stakeholders, frontline workers (such as adult care staff, care co-ordinators, hospital discharge teams and volunteers). It has been designed to help understand more about the products and services that are on offer to anyone living within Daventry District and Northamptonshire regardless of tenure type or age.  There are hard copies if anyone would like a copy, please contact Emily.Riley@futureshg.co.uk who can arrange this for you

·         Get On Board CIC is all about improving the lives of people with learning disabilities, they provide training to organisations and help them to improve their services,  for further information https://www.getonboarduk.com/about or email Info@getonboarduk.com


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