United Reformed Church
Long Buckby United Reformed Church, Brington Road, Long Buckby.
Our Church is part of the Long Buckby, Creaton, Crick and Kilsby Pastorate,
We are pleased to announce that our Group of Churches now has a new Minister, Revd. Elizabeth Kemp. See website for details.
We look forward to welcoming you to our church, whether you are a local resident or a visitor to our village.
Church Website:
All Services are at 11a.m. For details see Church Website:
The fourth Sunday will include Holy Communion
See the Website Contact page for details of phone numbers and email of Church Officers.
Ladies Circle: 2.15 pm first Wednesday each month
Bible Study: 10.00 a.m. some Fridays - ring Rev. Michael Bond 01327 842234 for details
For room hire please contact Richard Bignell. Tel. 01327 844979 or email
St Lawrence's Church
St Lawrence Church, Church Street, Long Buckby
Church Of England
Rev. Graham Collingridge Tel. 01327 842204
Assistant Minister:
Position Vacant.
Church Wardens:
Judith Leach, Tel 01327 843464
Richard Howard, Tel 01327 842625
1st Sunday:
9:00: Holy Communion - Book of Common Prayer.
10:00am: Breakfast @ St Lawrence (an all-age service in the School Rooms beginning with breakfast)
2nd Sunday:
10:45am: Holy Communion
4:00pm: Sunday@4 - informal all-age worship with refreshments.
3rd Sunday:
10:45am: Morning Praise (with a group for young people during term-time)
4th Sunday:
10:45am: Holy Communion (with a group for young people during term-time)
5th Sunday
Check website for details
Everyone is welcomed to coffee after the service in church.
Bell ringing: Peter Clifton, Tel. 01327 842370. Monday evening is practice night.
Church magazine: The Arrow, published every two months. Contact Church Wardens for details.
Cell Groups meet weekly. Contact Reverend Graham Collingridge for details. Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals should be arranged with the Vicar. In his absence, please contact the Church Wardens.
See the website for Calendar and other activities
To hire the Church Schoolrooms contact Geoff Moorhouse Tel: 01327 844237
Baptist Church
Long Buckby Baptist Church, Market Place, Long Buckby.
Minister: Nathan Toseland Tel. 01327 842341 or email
Secretary: Mrs Wendy Morrison. Tel. 01327 843006 or Mrs Kate White. Tel. 01327 844098
Room bookings: Hilary Lonsdale. Tel. 01327 842587 or email
Sunday Worship: Morning Worship is held at 10.45am and includes a creche and Junior Church
for children and young people.
Mums and Babies is a social time for mums and carers with babies up to the age of two, meeting every Tuesday morning from 10.30am.
Little Fishes provides a time of songs, stories and activities for children from 18 months to 3 years old, meeting at 11.15pm on a Thursday.
Youth Group meets on a Sunday evening for Bible study, as well as having other social events on a regular basis.
Housegroups meeting in various homes in Long Buckby and other surrounding villages for Bible study, discussion and prayer.
Rendezvous is a bi-weekly social group and spiritual evening meeting for women on a Wednesday at 8.00pm.
Monday Club and Age Concern meetings provide a meal and friendship for older people on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Tuesday Fellowship alternate Tuesdays at 2.30pm. Devotional meeting for both women and men.
Hilary Lonsdale
Nathan Toseland