17 November 2017
DDC - Settlements and Countryside Local Plan Part 2

Daventry District Council will be consulting on the Emerging Draft Settlements and Countryside Local Plan (Part 2) at the end of November. The Council’s Strategy Group approved the Plan for public consultation on the 16th November 2017. You can view the Plan and the accompanying policies maps at the webpage - please follow the link at the end of this article.

The consultation will start on the 27th November 2017 and close on the 26th January 2018. Daventry Town Council, Parish Councils and Parish Meetings will be sent a hard copy of the Emerging Draft Local Plan during the week of the 27th November.

During the first two weeks of the consultation the Council will be holding a number of public exhibitions across the District. These are open to anyone who wishes to find out more about the Local Plan and members of the Local Strategy Team will be available to answer questions. 

The team will be visiting Long Buckby on Wednesday 6th December from 3-7pm and this will be held in the Community Centre.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Local Strategy Team if you have any questions about the Emerging Draft Local Plan or the consultation arrangements.


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